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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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a hurt anybody. ( music playing ) she is the light of my world. i'm falling in love with you. and a very special episode reunites us with some familiar faces. do you feel that reba might've been right about joy's intentions? uh...
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two tonight developing news out of the middle east. video showing an iranian nuclear site where explosions have been heard following reports that israel has retaliated. >> plus, the alameda county district attorney taking action against police officers in the east bay over the in-custody death of mario gonzalez. >> i think accountability is at the heart of the criminal justice system, not just a case like this. in all cases. >> these charges come exactly one day before the three year anniversary of gonzalez death. good evening everyone. i'm heather holmes and i'm mike mibach, alameda county district attorney pamela price making that announcement tonight. >> involuntary manslaughter charges have now been filed against the three alameda police officers involved. ktvu jana katsuyama here in studio with reaction. gianna. >> mike and heather. tonight the district attorney, pamela price, said that she wasn't the one who
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filed the charges. they were filed by the public accountability unit that she created shortly after her election. that unit has been tasked with reviewing several cases, including that of mario gonzalez. the alameda county coroner's office had ruled. mario gonzalez death, a homicide caused by a combination of methamphetamine and the stress of being restrained by police. but former alameda county da nancy o'malley had declined to file charges at the time. the incident happened in april 2021, the officers had been called armed with a 911 call about a possibility of an intoxicated man in a small park near the south shore shopping center. police body camera footage showed the 26 year old man was face down as the officers restrained him tonight, da pamela price said the panel's months long review has led to the charges. >> we're trying to rebuild trust in a system that has not always been fair to folks, particularly in alameda county. that's part
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of our mandate. >> last year, the city of alameda paid $11 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of gonzalez's young son. the attorney for gonzalez's mother told us tonight that the family is grateful that the da's office revisited the case. >> if you look at the civil judgment and settlement that came as a result of the civil litigation and then you look at what the officer's trainings were and what the statements they made, it's clear that this was a crime and they are being prosecuted as they should be. >> a vigil is planned for tomorrow night at the park where gonzalez was detained on the third anniversary of his death. the officers charged are identified as james fisher, eric mckinley and cameron leahy. fisher has left the department to work as a contra costa county sheriff's deputy. the other two have been placed on administrative leave by alameda police. we did receive a statement from the attorney for officer leahy. it said in part, quote, there is no new evidence.
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this is a blatantly political prosecution. the officer's actions while taking mr. gonzalez into custody were reasonable, necessary and lawful, and his tragic death was the result of drug toxicity, not criminal misconduct. and as for the timing of the charges, the three year statute of limitations on manslaughter was set to run out tomorrow. so that is the reason, they say, for this very late night announcement by pamela price. >> so those are the charges, if indeed this goes to a trial, if indeed there is a conviction, what are these officers facing? >> well, the da was asked that tonight. she says that this could end up if they are convicted with for up to four year sentences for these officers in state prison. got it right. >> jana katsuyama. thank you. well 219 year old women are facing charges in a double homicide now in napa. that left two other young women dead. jessica witten faces two counts of murder with special circumstance faces in the shooting deaths last weekend of judith adolf and judith. adolf is also charged with assault and
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being an accessory to the crime. now the shooting happened saturday night during a fight on riverside drive, napa. police responded to reports of gunfire and found the victims, 17 year old sasha donley and 19 year old arlene villasenor. one died at the scene, the other died at the hospital. 22 year old john nicholson, junior of vallejo, is being held without bail, charged with two counts of murder. >> now to a developing story out of the middle east, israel delivering on its promise to retaliate against iran for drone and missile attacks, launched against israel last weekend, israeli forces reportedly launching a barrage of rockets and drones early friday morning near an iranian military base and nuclear facility. >> ktvu zac sos is live now with the latest developments for us. zach >> yeah, and that military retaliation by the idf being described by a well-placed military source as, quote, limited strikes in iran. the source also telling fox news that they targeted the city of isfahan with as you mentioned,
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reporting iranian forces in response, fired air defense batteries during the early hours of friday morning. a okesperson for iran's civilian space program posting to social media that several quote quadcopter drones were shot down that region, as you mentioned, both home to an iranian military base as well as one of the country's nuclear facilities. this video, released by an iranian news agency purported to be recent footage of the facility up and running this in line with what state television and the country has been reporting, saying the facility is, quote, fully safe right now. pentagon officials, meantime, have yet to confirm this strike. the white house and national security council also declining comment. meantime, commercial flights at the time they were diverted from their routes over western iran, near where those attacks are reported to have unfolded. iran later grounding commercial flights in tehran.
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this again, all of this follows last weekend's attack by tehran on israel that a response to israel's deadly attack on an iranian consulate earlier this month, killing a top general. this all obviously a developing situation and we'll of course be bringing you the latest details as we get them. >> yeah, obviously concerns growing with the situation there in the middle east. zac sos thank you. >> in the east bay today there was a pro-palestinian rally on the cal campus calling on the university to divest from companies doing business with israel. the rally was also organized in response to an incident last week at the home of school of law dean erwin chemerinsky and his wife, professor catherine fisk, during a celebration dinner for students. palestinian american law student malak hanafi attempted to speak. video shows a physical confrontation unfold, during which fisk tries to grab the microphone away from the student. hanafi says her free
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speech rights were denied. >> berkeley is able to profit off of the fact that there is multiple stages of civil disobedience that occur, were marketed as the leftist progressive bubble and instead of. while that's celebrated for other students that happen to agree with dean erwin chemerinsky, i as one that did not and stood up for genocide and had a greater call to action , was instead attacked. >> chemerinsky, who is jewish, has said that the incident is the latest anti-semitic attack he has faced and that free speech does not extend to his home. and tensions on the campus of columbia university today, as more than 100 pro-palestinian protesters were arrested after setting up an encampment there on school grounds, the president of columbia ordering the new york police department to clear protesters from the area as the encampment violated a long list of rules and policies. nypd says 108 students were charged with
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trespassing, including the daughter of minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar. >> well, we are hearing from one of the 28 google employees fired for staging those sit ins at the company's offices in sunnyvale, seattle and new york earlier this week. they were protesting a google contract with israel. >> now in sunnyvale, five people were arrested after they occupied an office building and then refused to leave. >> ktvu crystal bailey spoke with a lawyer tonight about google's decision to cut ties. >> of the 28 people fired from google, iman hashem is one of them. she's a software engineer who flew in from seattle to sunnyvale to participate in a sit in. this is video from one of the google offices. google. google. you can't hide, she says she went outside when she was asked to leave, and she was not one of the five people arrested. she knew she was risking her job , but she says she does not regret it. >> there was absolutely no way that i could continue working at google without, pushing these
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demands. >> she's an organizer for the group no tech for apartheid. the group says they were protesting google's $1.2 billion contract called nimbus, saying the technology is being used to help the israeli military target and kill civilians in gaza. but google says while they do work with the israeli ministries, the contract work is, quote, not directly at highly sensitive, classified or military workloads relevant to weapons or intelligence services. >> they're continuing to lie not just to their employees, but to the public and all tech workers. >> google called the employees behavior unacceptable and disruptive, saying it violates multiple company policies, an internal memo from google leadership reads. they took over office spaces, defaced our property and physically impeded the work of other googlers, attorney david levine says google is within its right to fire employees and the first amendment does not hold weight at a private company. >> in california, as in most places in the united states, you were an at will employee,
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meaning you can be fired for any reason or no reason unless the reason is illegal. >> organizers say people who were not directly involved in the protest were also fired. >> it has just been an absolute shame to be associated. to the company's name. while the company continues to avoid any accountability, kassem says their goal to double down on their demands with big tech, the sunnyvale department of public safety says all five people who were arrested have been released, and they say they have not yet turned in. >> the investigation to the district attorney's office. so there's no saying whether there will be charges. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news a new at ten tonight. >> ktvu has confirmed that several ballots are now being challenged in the recount of the district 16 congressional race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo tonight. it is unclear just how many ballots are being challenged and why former san jose mayor sam liccardo received the most votes in the march
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primary election. two other candidates tied for second place assembly member evan lowe and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. they will both appear on the november ballot unless this recount leads to a different result. well, the recounting process started on monday. santa clara county says this recount could now take up to two weeks due to those ballot challenges coming up. >> mixed reaction tonight after a major changes were announced for streets near san francisco's west portal muni station, where a family was tragically killed last month. >> and we are tracking that forecast is another nice day today. the weekend is just around the corner. how's it going to play out that way? i'll have the forecast coming up. >> plus, a major repaving project on one bay area highway is set to kick off this weekend. what drivers need to know in the no h bay.
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now following the crash that killed a family of four last month. ktvu is amber lee live tonight in the newsroom with more on the story. amber. >> mike. there were mixed reactions. merchants i spoke with say city leaders should have gotten their input. everyone agrees there needs to be safety improvements. the
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disagreement is over whether the proposed changes will work. muni trains, busses, cars and people create a chaotic scene at san francisco's west portal neighborhood, the sfmta announced thursday that changes are coming soon to improve safety. i would love to see it. >> we walk by here all the time. we see a lot of near misses, a lot of, you know, dangerous things happening, a lot of people making bad moves in their car. >> on march 16th, a 78 year old woman crashed her suv and killed a family of four at a bus shelter just steps from the muni station. authorities have not yet said what caused the crash, or if the driver will be charged. >> mayor london breed and to district seven supervisor myrna melgar, who have asked the sfmta to work immediately to improve traffic safety near west portal station. >> the sfmta plan includes no left turns on west portal avenue, and cars will no longer
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be able to cut through the intersection of yellow street and west portal avenue in front of the muni station. the entrance area will be redesigned to include planters and become a community space. >> i was shocked because it. i don't think it solves the problem of what happened to that poor family. it's just going to increase traffic all up and down west portal. >> the owner of roti indian bistro is among the merchants critical of city leaders, rolling out a plan so quickly without their input. pankaj shah says disruptions to traffic could hurt 50% of his business comes from customers driving up to get takeout and food delivery drivers doing pickups. >> so one incident should not be a one that makes so many changes at the same time. >> i was surprised that it was such a knee jerk reaction. >> maureen stotts owns easy breezy, a market on west portal avenue. she agrees there needs to be safety improvements but questions the changes that are proposed. >> it's going to create more
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problems than what they're trying to solve. >> sfmta plans to do public outreach with pop ups in the west portal neighborhood next monday, tuesday and wednesday. the mayor's office says the changes are temporary, but will be fast tracked to be in place by this summer. city leaders say there will be evaluations to see what works and what doesn't. mike. >> amber lee live tonight in the newsroom. amber. thank you. and san mateo county. a man died after his vehicle went over a cliff along highway one. chp says it happened around 1230 this afternoon near gray whale cove state beach. that's just south of pacifica. a chp chopper crew was able to reach the vehicle 200ft down below, but the driver was not able to be saved. no word on what caused the crash. >> well, a major repaving project on highway 37 in the north bay is set to begin this weekend. westbound 37 will be shut down between vallejo and sears point starting tomorrow night at 9:00, and will remain closed until 4:00 monday morning. the suggested detour
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involves traveling northbound on highway 29, west on highway 12, and south on highway 121, or taking the richmond-san rafael bridge. the westbound direction of highway 37 will shut down again next weekend, with the eastbound direction closed. the first and second weekends of may , and we are checking in on the weather. >> we've got a nice weekend in store. the weather this whole week has been just like this. little warmer, a little cooler, a little warmer. that's how it goes right through the weekend. we're not going to get hot. we're going to be pretty similar to what we see here, but maybe a degree or two cooler, a degree or two warmer. most numbers. most of us are going to be in the mid 70s along the coast. you're going to be cooler. the fog came back. it came back in a big way. and it's going to be around in a big way. right through the weekend. so that will impact your coastal plans certainly at stenson. and i think the sun will break out at stenson and muir in those places i think might be a little harder at ocean beach with that westerly wind. so we'll keep an
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eye on the fog for you, but that's always an indication. hey, it's turning into, you know, late spring summer, right. and that's what you start seeing is the advection fog showing up. so with that in mind, the microclimates, you can see them click coast bay inland showing up. and that will continue as we go into the summer months. so can't see any fog here. there was fog coming out of well you may be a little bit of fog across the bay. it's hard to tell, but you're looking from sutro back towards san francisco. the plan then is more fog tomorrow morning. another day tomorrow with the filtered sunshine. a lot like today. and then some subtle changes coming this weekend. >> san francisco will be home again. i'm coming home san francisco. >> pausing early this morning to mark the anniversary of the great 1906 earthquake and fire city residents, many in period clothing as you just saw, placed a commemorative wreath on lotta's fountain on market street. the estimated 7.9 magnitude quake killed 3000 people. it destroyed more than 80% of the city and fires burned for 74 hours. in the following
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days. as always, the anniversary comes with a warning that bay area residents need to be ready for the next large earthquake. earlier today on the four, an official with the state earthquake authority said many older homes are vulnerable. >> the vulnerabilities that your house is not properly anchored to the foundation and the crawl space walls, those short walls around the crawl space don't have plywood bracing on them, and unfortunately, the damage is really significant. it can topple or slide off the foundation. >> she is urging people to apply for state grants to help brace and bolt their homes to the foundation. experts say there is a near certainty of a quake the size of the northridge quake, striking the bay area in the next 30 years. >> a special ceremony was held in foster city to celebrate survivors of cardiac arrest and those who help save their lives. the event was organized by the san mateo county fire department. first responders joined seven survivors of cardiac arrest for the ceremony. each survivor sharing their story and expressing their gratitude toward the heroes who
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came to their aid for the first time. >> that i have a chance to thank everybody that participated in having me be able to be standing here. >> i don't think i've ever felt so safe than this day right now, surrounded by all these first responder heroes in addition to honoring the heroic acts of police officers and firefighters, civilian bystanders who also jumped in to action to save a life were also celebrated. >> nice to see everyone being recognized there. all right. new developments on the effort to ban tiktok here in the u.s. coming up, we'll tell you about the move by house republicans. >> plus, 12 new york city jurors have been seated in the criminal trial against former president donald trump. the next steps in this historic case. >> also, governor newsom showing support for a state bill that would increase the punishments for people who engage in child sex trafficking
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a word to the senate after house republicans included the ban among a bill package that would send aid to ukraine and israel. the original ban was passed in the house back in march. it gave tiktok's parent company bytedance, six months to sell the app in order to continue operations here in the u.s. now, the revised legislation would give the company nine months to sell, with a possible three month extension if a sale was in progress. >> 12 jurors have now been seated for former president trump's criminal trial in new york city. the jury is made up of seven men and five women. jury selection will continue tomorrow to pick those alternates, although one has already been selected, and the jury will be tasked with deciding whether the former president is guilty of falsifying business records in order to hide a $130,000 payment to adult movie star stormy daniels before the 2016 presidential election. trump has pleaded not guilty to all 34 felony counts. one excused jur
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in the case says she was shocked to find out this case is the one that they were being considered for. >> everybody was shocked when we saw him on tuesday for the first time. you know, we couldn't believe that that was the case. so we were shocked and frozen. >> prosecutors could begin presenting their case early next week. a new at ten tonight, governor newsom is showing support for a state bill that would make purchasing or soliciting a child for sex a felony. >> here in california. >> this bill is being spearheaded by state senator shannon grove. the legislation is moving forward, but only after some challenges in the senate. public safety committee. one amendment that has been added to the measure is to keep the crime a misdemeanor for the purchase of 16 and 17 year olds. the committee officially passing the bill on the condition of those changes. >> look forward to getting this bill to my desk in a way that i'll sign it. we have some work
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to do, but i deeply appreciate, the direction, that that senator grove is going. and i'm mindful that those three amendments, one in particular, that there's some work to do. >> the bill is supported by both democrats and republicans. opponents of the measure, though, do include criminal justice reform groups. >> former house speaker nancy pelosi of san francisco has written a new memoir about her years in public service. it's called the art of power, and it will be released in a few months. in august, publisher simon and schuster says it will cover pelosi's legislative career with a personal account of the january 6th capitol riot and the assault at her home in 2022. the left her husband with a fractured skull. pelosi is 84 and served as speaker from 2007 to 2011 and again from 2019 to 2023. she is credited with passing such landmark bills as the affordable care act and the inflation reduction act.
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>> a sacramento murder suspect shot and killed by police in the east bay after the break. what we're learning about the multi-agency response to a west oakland neighborhood, plus. >> san jose police arresting three suspects accused of kidnaping and torturing a man. more on the victim coming up. >> also coming up after weeks of back and forth, san francisco files a lawsuit against oakland over the decision to rename its airport. what a trademark expert is saying about which way the case could go, and the giants tried to do something they have not done all season with a lot of help from logan webb. >> jason appelbaum has the details later in sports
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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arrested and booked into jail. he says he shot a man on february fourth, right near bonnie way and melody lane. responding officers say the victim died from his injuries at the scene. solano county officials had issued an arrest warrant ahead of his surrender. >> well, tonight we are learning more about that police shooting that happened in oakland that killed a murder suspect who was wanted by sacramento police officers from both agencies were in west oakland last night. >> when police say the suspect came out of a house with a gun. as ktvu crime reporter henry lee reports here, officers say they had no choice but to shoot. >> our ktvu camera was rolling when gunshots rang out at a home near 16th and chestnut streets in west oakland at about 940 wednesday night. that's when two oakland police officers shot and killed a murder suspect after he allegedly brandished a gun at them while coming out of a garage. >> the door suddenly opened. he came out, with a gun, raised it and pointed it. and the shooting
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occurred. michael raines, an attorney representing the officer, says the suspect had refused to surrender, and the officers had no choice but to shoot the armed suspect. i think in this case, there is no question that this suspect posed an imminent threat of death or serious injury. when the officers fired ktvu has confirmed. >> the suspect who was killed was 33 year old dominique brot, the same man who sacramento police say shot and killed his girlfriend last month as officers moved in to do a welfare check. >> while they were conducting that welfare check, officers heard sounds of shots fired. they retreated out of that area. they set up a perimeter. >> officers later found his girlfriend, 34 year old rahma al-sarraj, dead from a gunshot wound. police say brot took off and was tracked down to west oakland on wednesday by sacramento police, who were on scene. an unmarked cars. they asked oakland police for help. officers took up positions in the neighborhood. by about eight in the evening, this is the first deadly shooting by oakland police since november, when an
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internal affairs sergeant shot and killed a man near city hall. after the department says that man pointed a loaded handgun at the sergeant, the two officers who fired their guns are on paid administrative leave, which is standard practice. henry lee, ktvu fox two news redwood city police arrested a man today who was wanted for an armed robbery and for violating probation. >> 36 year old jeffrey tabron junior was taken into custody right near marlborough and dumbarton avenue. swat teams from san mateo pd and the county sheriff's office took part in the operation. >> three people in the south bay are in jail, accused of a range of crimes, including kidnaping and torture. our south bay reporter jesse gary tells us those suspects are accused of being connected to an organized crime ring. >> it goes to show that people are really out there doing violent crimes. but a robbery unit detectives, because they did such a thorough investigation, they were able to say, you know, not in san jose. >> san jose police investigators say duck wynn, kim ho and dayton pham are all responsible for the
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brutal kidnaping and torture of a victim in february. detectives say the trio brought their victim to this home on a quiet cul de sac on the 2600 block of million avenue in the evergreen section of east san jose. officials say they tortured the man, then released him. a subsequent investigation led detectives to million avenue. we've had several incidents of, them being, police coming to our street. neighbors describe the well-maintained, single story home as a problem. property on their block. they say san jose police have conducted multiple raids for illegal activity dating back to 2012. >> they were hauling things in and out. we didn't know what was going on, but it was people that didn't live here and they did not look very reputable. >> last week, spd's covert response and merged units raided the home again, arresting the three suspects and seizing illegal gambling machines and drugs for sale. it happens right
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when i get up, go to work, and i heard a flash bang right next to my room, and i heard a commotion outside. in addition to robbery, kidnaping, and torture charges, santa clara county sheriff's investigators were looking for duck wynn in connection to a large retail theft ring. a crew of 13 people targeted stores such as home depot and target from the bay to the central valley. >> this was not a small operation. this was quite substantial. he's definitely one of the leaders of the organization. he's what we refer to as the fence, an individual that receives stolen property and ultimately compiles it for distribution and later resale. >> sheriff's investigators say a raid of two east san jose homes turned up $150,000 worth of evidence. the three suspects in the robbery and kidnaping case are being held here at the main santa clara county jail. all of the suspects from the retail theft case have been released. san jose police say the district attorney's office indicates they'd like to merge the two cases and try all of the
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suspects together in san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> san francisco city attorney filed a lawsuit against oakland today over the decision to rename the oakland international airport. city attorney david chiu alleges the new name san francisco bay oakland international airport would be a trademark violation. the port of oakland responded in opposition to the lawsuit, claiming san francisco can't lay claim to the geographically descriptive terms san francisco, or even claim exclusive rights to san francisco bay. a trademark law attorney, we spoke to says trademark is all about protecting consumers from confusion. >> all we really have to compare are the names, and they tend to give the first two words a lot of weight, because that's the first thing that the person hears, that a consumer sees on their screen when they're ordering their lyft, or when they're booking the flight. and so the fact that the two first two words are really similar, it's going to really lend itself to a finding of confusion. >> the lawsuit also alleges the
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name change would capitalize off sfo's reputation and pull in travelers who aren't intending to fly into the east bay. mayor shengtao, sharing her take on the change within a press release from the port of oakland, she explains the renaming could offer several benefits, saying in part, notably, it could support the airport's efforts to secure more direct flights to additional destinations, enhancing convenience for travelers and potentially boosting tourism in oakland. >> well, bart has now settled a class action lawsuit over access to the trains by people with disabilities. the federal suit was filed back in 2017. advocates for the disabled claim that bart is violating their civil rights by not providing clean working elevators at bart stations. as part of this settlement, bart has agreed to renovate its elevators and escalators and must dispatch a repair person within one hour of a breakdown. bart is to continue monitoring vandalism and unsanitary conditions. the judge's order states that bart denies the allegations and does
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not concede liability. >> a number of groups are coming together this week to form an ad hoc safety net to monitor saturday's 420 event at san francisco's hippie hill. this is all a collaboration between the psychedelic church of ambrosia, merchants from the haight ashbury neighborhood and several nonprofits. they're planning to provide water, medical aid, portable toilets and trash pickups. at the gathering. the city says it canceled the official 420 celebration this year because of a lack of funding, but this coalition says it believes people will still show up for the celebration. and we're going to be streaming this unofficial 420 celebration live from hippie hill. you can watch it on the fox local app from 3 to 5 saturday afternoon. >> we're coming up at 11 tonight. a construction company facing a major fine. what it failed to do that cal osha says cost a worker his life in san francisco. so. >> and the fog has returned to the coast. can't see it in this shot. but i'll show it to you here tonight when we get back with the radar and the
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satellite. and we'll take a look at the five day as well. >> but first, a strong start of the year for n flix. moron
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scribers. after a strong start to the year, the company says it gained about 9 million subscribers in the first quarter, but the company now says it will stop reporting subscriber numbers during its quarterly earnings reports, opting to only report them annually. netflix shares fell 5% in extended trading. despite this strong financial showing. >> tesla shares have now dropped below $150 apiece, wiping out all of its gains over the past year. the company's shares are down more than 12% just this week. the year has been challenging, with lower sales globally since last year. tesla
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has cut as much as $20,000 off the price of some ev models. in the face of increasing competition and dwindling demand . and stocks were mixed today, with the markets mostly extending their april slump. the indexes opened higher, but then faded as the trading day continued. the dow was up more than 22 points at the end of the day, the nasdaq dropped 81 and the s&p was also in negative territory. more data showing a strong us economy is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will lower interest rates anytime soon. traders now forecasting just one, maybe two rate cuts later this year. >> a coalition has submitted more than 900,000 signatures to qualify for what it what it calls excuse me, a tough on crime and drugs measure for the november ballot. californians for safer communities want stricter penalties for repeat shoplifters and fentanyl dealers . now, the measure would roll back portions of prop 47. you
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may remember that it was designed to reduce some theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. all in an effort to try to cut down on jail overcrowding. we'll at a news conference in san francisco today in oakland, community leader with this coalition explained what he hopes the new measure will address. >> our businesses are being attacked every single day, and many of them are being forced to be closed. our employees are getting hurt and some are being killed and guess what? when all these businesses are being closed, many of our employees are losing their jobs and it's actually hurting every one of us . >> county elections officials will now start the signature verification process to see if this measure qualifies for the november ballot. >> a fiery crash in san joaquin county coming up, the bay area family killed while on their way home from a quinceanera. >> plus, san francisco police speaking out tonight on a sexual abuse case against a former
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community leader, where that investigation stands now. >> and it has just been a beautiful week out across the bay area as we give you this live picture of the bay bridge, the city by the bay, there in the distance. chief mete ologist il martin i
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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killed in that crash have been
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identified. the san joaquin county coroner's office confirms those killed in the accident were a livermore couple, arriaga, bonifacio, negrete, liliana guerrero mendoza and two of their children, 112 years old. the other four months old. three other children survived the crash. the couple is also survived by a 17 year old daughter, who was not in the vehicle at the time. the family members died on their way home from a quinceanera saturday night, when their minivan veered into the median strip on highway 120. >> well, criticism is mounting over the handling of rape allegations against a once prominent community leader in san francisco, ktvu christian captain has more with the investigators from the special victims unit. >> san francisco police are speaking out today. >> we're here because of the john jacobo case. >> captain alexa o'brien from san francisco's special victims unit says her officers are actively investigating allegations of violence, threats, rape and sexual assault leveled against community activist john jacobo are all our
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cases remain open, especially if new evidence is developed over time? >> sometimes a case can go a little, cold and then new evidence comes in. >> allegations against jacobo first came to light in 2021, when sasha perrigo wrote about it on the social media platform formerly known as twitter, naming and adding john jacobo in her post in a google doc, perrigo said she was not pursuing criminal charges at the time for personal reasons. jacobo denied the accusations. now, new allegations have surfaced, with three more women coming forward with stories of threats, violence and sexual assaults. jacobo has now resigned from his position with a housing nonprofit in the city. he did not respond to requests for an interview or a statement. police say because of the nature of the investigations, they can't say much without betraying the victim's trust. investigators are asking for anyone with information on or other victims to come forward. >> i want victims out there to
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know, like if you have been a victim of somebody and it's old, you can still come forward. >> the mayor's office released a statement saying the allegations against jacobo are very serious and that it's critical that san francisco seek justice for those who come forward. and supervisor hillary ronen is calling for hearings on how the city handles allegations of sexual assault in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news tonight while hundreds of inmates at the troubled women's prison in dublin are being transferred, some are actually being released early. >> the federal bureau of prisons announced the sudden closure of fci dublin on monday, where eight officers have been charged with sex crimes and more than 60 civil sexual assault lawsuits have been filed. attorneys tell ktvu that some of their clients, who had a short amount of time left on their sentences, are either being released early for good behavior or put on house arrest. we're also hearing that some inmates are being rushed out of the facility, leaving legal documents and personal items behind. sources tell ktvu
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that all women will be bused out by this weekend. >> all right. if you can remember back a week ago, we had a little bit of rain on friday, saturday, kind of in that in that realm. and then sunday got a little better, a little better on monday. tuesday and of course, here we go. this whole week has been stunning today. no exception. in a little bit of fog back at the coast, it's still there. it's a little patchy. it broke up down by half moon bay, but it will be back tonight. these are the highs from today. and highs tomorrow will be about the same. the highs on saturday will be about the same. they're going to move around but it's just 70s mostly 70s i think the low 80s might be done for a little while unless you go down towards morgan hill. just nice weather, tree pollens are up, as you know, can't really see fog. and you see a little stratus in this picture. if you look, see if you can pick it out. i think that's i think that's some stratus right there. and of course, this would be the edge of golden gate park. i believe, kind of out towards the panhandle, but you can kind of see a little puffiness there,
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maybe a little puffy in the east bay hills. the high pressure does what it does, and what it does is it allows fog to form. that's why in the summer months we have so much fog because we have what i think i told you about the other night, the pacific high, which is our dominant weather feature in the on, you know, in the summer months. and it stays put and then it moves in the winter. and that's why we get wet and get moisture in here in the winter. so the high sits here. these clouds are creeping over the top. that's really the only forecast thing. i mean there's going to be a fog forecast, but that's that is what it is. don't worry about that. green. those are bad returns. but you see fog all along the coast. and then the high clouds will filter in overhead. so the inland spots will be kept from the low 80s i suspect because of the filtered sunshine. kind of like what we had today. so temperatures are running a little cooler than they were last night. that would make sense. we got a bit of an onshore breeze. here we are tonight. here we are tomorrow night. there we are, 1:00 on saturday. and then saturday or sunday morning, basically. and then sunday afternoon. i mean, so what did i just show you?
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just more of the same. so this pattern is just repeating itself again and again. and that is fine. i think there might there could be a little bit of drizzle on the coast, but overall it's just it's sort of a steady as she goes forecast, again, tree ponds are a thing. coastal fog is a thing and temperatures about where you'd expect them. i mean this is when you look at this five day, it's like, oh yeah, that looks like spring to me. and it looks like spring to me. and maybe, you know, and like i say, 77, 80, 74, 73 temperatures are going to move around a little bit, a little moving target, but really just perfect spring weather that will last right into the weekend. you guys. >> perfect is a good word. there all right. thanks, bill. the oakland sole sports club releasing two new jerseys for the women's soccer team season this year. they were created in partnership with the apparel company charly usa. the team says the darker jersey is a celebration of community artistry, with a tribute to the timeless tie dye pattern. the second lavender jersey, meant to embody oakland's latin and hispanic heritage. inspired by the fruitvale district and bay
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area soccer fans, should mark their calendars for may 7th, when the san jose earthquakes will host the oakland roots at paypal park. the teams are meeting in a 32 round matchup as part of the mls versus the usl championship league for the 2024 lamar hunt u.s. open cup. this is the second time these two are going to be facing off against each other. the last time 2021 during the same soccer tournament. whoever wins the match will take on either the sacramento republic fc or the monterey bay fc. in the round of 16. >> well, the warriors face one of their most uncertain off seasons in years. jason appelbaum has a look ahead to the team's immediate future. next in sports. >> and tonight on the 11:00 news, pandas from china will be coming to the san francisco zoo for the first time in decades. tonight's late announcement from mayor london breed
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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win back to back games for the first time in nearly three weeks, and lucille, yeah, he was feeling it, getting his groove on and the jiang hu li fan section, the diamondbacks in town with the giants opening up a ten game homestand, webb led the majors in innings pitch last year, leads the league so far this year. strikes out corbin carroll looking in the six. he gave up just two hits and no runs over seven innings. giants up one. nothing in the eighth when bob melvin tells pinch hitter wilmer flores to rope one to left. and that's exactly what he does with the bases loaded that plates a pair of runs, the giants score four runs in the eighth to break it open, and they win at five to nothing. their first shutout of the season comes in game number 20.
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yesterday klay thompson not in the mood to talk about his future with the warriors. but today the warriors general manager mike dunleavy, he made clear what the team's intentions are. >> we want klay back first and foremost, reassuring news to most warriors fans who can't imagine klay thompson in another uniform. >> and while at age 34, his best years are likely behind him, he was still the warriors second leading scorer and had the fourth most threes in the nba this past season. >> he's still a really good player. we really, really value him and so there's nothing that would make me think that he wants to go somewhere else or we don't want him back. and for that reason, i'm hopeful we can make it happen. >> so what about draymond green? there's no doubt he was out of control at times. but he also had his highest scoring average in six years and was second on the team after only steph in three point accuracy. plus he signed for the next three seasons. >> if we decided he wasn't worth
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it, you know then we would have moved off of him years ago. but he's worth it for. >> the golden state warriors returned to a familiar place. they're on top of the nba world. it's easy to forget that it was only two seasons ago. >> the warriors claimed their fourth title with this core group, and apparently ownership feels they could still make one more run. >> maybe it's steph curry, it's draymond green. it's klay thompson like those guys are are great guys to go out with. and so and they're really they're still good at basketball. so i think it's a manageable thing. you know i think it's somewhat doable. so we'll see what happens. >> i do think there's tremendous value in the three of them being warriors for life. it matters that kobe was a laker for life, that that's meaningful to the laker franchise. i think it would be incredible if these three guys could play their whole careers here. >> yeah, that would be incredible. i think most warrior fans would agree. the sharks,
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their worst season in 31 years, came to an end tonight with a little bit of history. the sharks devin cooley from los gatos on the left. the flames dustin wolf from gilroy on the right, marking the first time two goalies from the bay area went head to head. flames up one nothing in the first when blake coleman deflects it in past cooley for his 30th goal of the season. cooley gave up five goals before being pulled. meantime, wolf, he was playing at another level, working on his first career shutout. but with just nine seconds left in the game, fabian zetterlund wrists it in on the power play. so even though the sharks lost, they do in the season on a high note, if you will. flames win 5 to 1. sharks finished the season with just 19 wins in 82 games. former campolindo star aidan mahaney he is leaving saint mary's after two seasons with the gaels. mahaney he's entered the transfer portal after emerging this past season as one of the
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gaels best players. six foot three guard, averaged 14 points per game, shot 36% on threes and earning first team all west coast conference honors. no doubt mark madsen at cal is going to try and land mahaney, but michigan has also been mentioned as a possible destination, among other possible suitors. 52 year old jaromir jagr. he played his last nhl game in 2018, but check this out jagr is still playing pro hockey and he is scoring goals in his native czech republic for the klondike knights. and today, jagr made history by passing gordie howe as the oldest player to take a regular shift in a pro hockey game. jaromir jagr, 52 years old. still doing it. looks pretty good out there. still got it. >> yep. all right. thank you so much, jason. all righty. coming up next at 11 israel didn't take that lightly a growing conflict in the middle east.
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>> tonight israel has appeared to make good on its promise to retaliate against iran. the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. israel has reportedly launched rockets and drones at iran. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm heather holmes. >> this is just the latest action in the middle east, showing the growing reach of the war between israel and hamas. ktvu zac sos joining us now live once again. he has been monitoring the situation and has the very latest for us. zach. >> yeah, that military military retaliation by the idf being described by a well-placed military source as, quote, limited strikes in iran, the source telling fox news that they targed the city of isfahan with, as you mentioned, rockets and drones. the ap reporting iranian forces in response, fired air defense batteries during the early hours friday morning. a spokesperson for iran's civilian space program posting to social media that several quote quadcopter


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